DIY: How to make simple and effective product photography ?
March 14,2017

We know that everyone in every field who wants to get the best result must invest effort, time and revenue. The most successful online selling channels for today’s retailers are the ones on which they post unique, high-quality product images. You must learn how to take professional product photos. We will give for you the best way to get high-quality, professionally shot product photography for your online store, Amazon listing, and more.
Cleaning product before taking the photo.
This is a very simple step that newbies rarely notice. If we take a little time to clean, for example, just one minute, we will save one hundred minutes for editing and be fixing the picture we take. I am sure that you will be crazy when sitting down and deleting every single strand of hair and blemishes by Photoshop. The other simple tip is we should use rubber gloves to prevent fingerprints or sweat from sticking to the product.
Perfecting your photography lighting
Always find the way to spread the light, creating softer light and the shadows will be smoother and smooth transferring area. This includes that we never use the flashlight directly when shooting the product. You must set up the light for the background. Illuminating or creating a bright spot for the background behind the product will make the product more eye-catching. In addition, the light sources of background can help to create the beautiful light rim, especially with liquids, this job will brighten the liquid.
Using white background
If you are wondering what backgrounds you should use or you don’t know which is better, so the white background is always the best solution. In a white background, everything will be outstanding and there are no distractions.
Tripod is in dispensable
A good tripod is an indispensable thing of taking product photo. It helps us get stable frames, eliminate vibration and even that we can remote control it while we are manipulating the product.
Product image is very similar to the brand image. The perceptions and the mental image associated with the product is called the product image. It is a set of beliefs related to a specific product. It signifies what the product currently stands for. It may refer to an infinite collection of previous historical facts, events , advertising and goals that work together to provide a mental impression on the public.
The importance of product photography is to help to make an impression on the viewer about the product and its brand. If we put the brand name or product name in the shadow, customers won’t know where this beautiful product comes from.
Run around
Do not stand in one place and take a snapshot, changing the different angles will create different pictures. Especially in the product photography, the angle changes will lead to the effect of light changes as well.
Notice the reflections of the wall and ceiling of studio
This is something that people pay less attention to. With a small studio area, the wall should be painted black color or we have to cover them appropriately if not, the light will be in widespread effervescence over the studio and we will see the studio printed on the shadow in the product.
Should go to the dustbin or walk around junk-yard
This is an ideal place to look for cheap things but they are the appropriate items to set the scene. It is easy to find pieces of wood, old furniture added in the background for the beautiful shot.
Edit product photo
Do you need to make sure that you give your customers the right impression about your products? The answer is yes, right? Do you have limited time to edit your product images? We always got you covered. See what we can do for you with a free photo edit today.
I always hope these product photography tips and explanations will help you get more beautiful photos and become more and more interested from the customer.
ALSO ON OUR BLOG: Why product image is important for e-commerce store?
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