
Evaluate The Importance Of Images In E-Commerce

admin November 3,2016


Online purchases continue to climb at a massive rate. In order to win the favor of the customers, online retailers continuously search for new ways to impress. However, as both new technologies and users’ experiences, those making their way across the web, vendees’expectations continue to rise.

Although modern and improved technology always does well when it comes to wowing the customer, a basic ingredient for online success remains unchanged. That is the role of high-quality Image in E-commerce.


According to the Live Person’s study, 56% of online customers abandon the buying process due to a lack of product information. High-quality images play an important part in providing customers with all of the necessary information to make a buying decision.

On top of that, images can have a significant impact on the credibility of a site. The Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab showed 2,440 participants several websites and asked them how they evaluated the credibility of these sites. As a result, almost half (46.1%) said that the number one criterion for discerning the credibility of the presented material was the web site’s design. The quality of images can make or break the design of a site – obtaining a direct effect on the brand’s credibility.


Defining the quality parameters of such an image is a complex process. Composition, clarity, brightness, resolution, and strong contrast between foreground and background as well as a clean and uniform background are some of the factors that need to be analyzed. However, the biggest websites such as Amazon, Google Shopping, and eBay have some serious minimum requirements for an image to qualify as good.

To illustrate, Google Shopping dictates that products should fill 85% or more of the image frame and need to be at least 800 pixels to make sure they are optimal for high-resolution displays. Amazon has a similar policy, with 85% of the image frame and a minimum product height of 500 pixels, all on a clean white background. These guidelines should serve you well when analyzing your own images.

  1. Clear white background

Making sure you have multiple high-quality shots of an image is a prudent investment, as long as you make sure to keep a close eye on the consistency. Online shoppers value websites with high-quality product shots if they are shot and presented in a consistent manner. Launched products on a clear white background are most common, in contrast, outperform products are not.

  1. Follow the big brands

A white background provides the perfect contrast for most of any products. Especially, in terms of the fashion industry. Nearly all of the biggest brands present their products in a highly consistent manner, using mainly white backgrounds. Shooting clothing lying flat doesn’t cut it simply anymore. Natural shadows or reflections are the industry standard for shoes, bags, and accessories while the Invisible Man technique can be an incredible conversion booster for items like shirts, coats, and sweaters. Removing wrinkles, reshaping and color correction can add even more punch to your images.

The post-production image editing workflow needs to be well specified and executed to ensure a consistent look throughout the site. If the volumes are low, these images can be edited in house. For higher volumes where speed, consistency, and quality are essential, outsourcing can prove to be a very cost effective solution.

  1. The size of Image

Another critical factor for SEO success is image file size. Page loading times can make or break your site as both Google and the customer will punish your site if it takes too long to load. Especially, with the dominance of mobile devices, loading speed can’t be simply ignored. Thumbnails are notorious for causing slow performance as they are often overlooked when optimizing image file sizes.


Investing in high-quality product images has a positive effect on your e-commerce success. Besides, online customers’ expectations are quickly evolving and getting the right images on your site that is essential. Making sure they are high quality, presented in a consistent way and are optimized for SEO is no longer optional but mandatory.

We can help you to optimize your images for your website. Here is our website:

If your demands are getting more our workflow or image editing solutions, please join our Facebook group that is attached below, we would like to help you:

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