
How to take great backlit photographs?

admin July 28,2017

backit photography

Backlit photographs are created by the highlight black blocks on the background.

Specifically, in the backlit image, the subject of the photo looks like a black block whose details are removed, creating a strong contrast with the surrounding background. This type of image has a dramatic effect, it contains and transmits the mystery, charm and many different emotional states to the viewer. That is the unique feature of the backlit image. Only a black block can tell a lot of things, evoke many feelings. Sometimes we may accidentally make a backlit image, but to take a picture as our expectation is another matter.

Even for a professional photographer or just an amateur, creating an excellent backlit image, transmitting special messages is the real success. So, if you want to take a backlit photo that is a surprise, take a look at some of the tips below to get the perfect one. When you apply them correctly, the art of backlit photography will help you take breath-taking photos that are extremely impressive, inspirational.

Create background light for the subject

One of the simplest ways to create a backlit image is to capture the subject when the sun shines directly behind. Set the subject you want to capture in front of the sunlight so that the light shines behind it. You can take pictures at dawn or dusk.

Turn off the flashpexels-photo-471659

Of course, you can not take a backlit photo when the flash is on. So please control the camera manually and turn off the flash. If you let the flash on automatically, the flash will brighten the subject. You should minimize the light source from the front of the subject.

Take pictures indoors

You can still take a backlit photo when you are indoors. Use natural light through the window. You also create background light by placing a light source behind the subject. We also can shoot with artificial light rather than sunlight.

Take pictures at night

It is wrong to think that it is possible to take beautiful backlit pictures during the day or in the golden hours of photography. On the contrary, even when we shoot at night, we still have great backlit images. It is even dramatically impressive and more emotional with the intelligent combination. You can do that by using fire or other artificial light.

pexels-photo-491815Fill the photo frame

You will definitely get a nice photo if you apply properly and effectively filling technique in layout processing. The harmony between the subject and the background makes your work more interesting and attractive. You should use a bright background to highlight the subject in your photo. You can also choose and combine many other factors to increase the charm and appeal of the photo.

Select a unique subject

The success of your backlit image depends very much on the shape of the subject. So find subjects with shapes, lines, unique curves, and clear so that your photo is easily recognized. You will fail if viewers cannot identify the subject in the picture.

Use natural frame

backit photography

When it comes to the natural frame of the image, we want to address the objects surrounding the subject. You do not need to create them because they are already there. They can be the window, archway,… They will make your photo look lively and more beautiful.

Insert the shadow for the subject

Find the most suitable shade for the subject. Therefore, besides choosing a unique subject, we need to further investigate whether the subject produces a beautiful shade. It will contribute to making the picture more complete, convey more meaningful content.

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